Thursday, 8 November 2012

T-SQL Queries to find SQL Server Cluster Nodes and Shared Drives

In one of my earlier post's "Finding Cluster Nodes or Cluster Name" , I had told about the query which can be used to find the name of the node on which the SQL Server Instance is currently running.

Here are more such SQL Server cluster related T-SQL queries which helps in finding SQL Server Cluster Nodes and their shared drives.
  1. Find name of the Node on which SQL Server Instance is Currently running
    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS') AS[CurrentNodeName] 
    If the server is not cluster, then the above query returns the Host Name of the Server.
  2. Find SQL Server Cluster Nodes
    a. Using Function
    SELECT * FROM fn_virtualservernodes() 

    b. Using DMV
    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes 
  3. Find SQL Server Cluster Shared Drives
    a. Using Function
    SELECT * FROM fn_servershareddrives() 

    b. Using DMV
    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_io_cluster_shared_drives

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