Setup a low disk space alert for SQL Server drives
You can create a job to run on hourly basis to execute this code, along with a database mail code to send you alert if any of drive has less than 15% or 20% threshold value.
-- Create a global temp table
CREATE TABLE ##space( dletter varchar(3), tspace BIGINT, fspace int, percentfree numeric(5,2))
-- Insert drive details
INSERT INTO ##space (dletter, fspace) EXEC master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives
-- Declare variables
DECLARE @oFSO INT, @oDrive INT, @drsize VARCHAR(255), @ret INT
-- invoke OACreate
EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OACreate 'scripting.FileSystemObject', @oFSO OUT
DECLARE @dletter VARCHAR(3), @fspace INT, @tspace BIGINT
while (select count(*) from ##space where tspace is null)>0
select top 1 @dletter = dletter + ':\',@fspace = fspace from ##space where tspace is null
EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @oFSO, 'GetDrive', @oDrive OUT, @dletter
EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @oDrive, 'TotalSize', @drsize OUT
UPDATE ##space SET tspace = CAST(@drsize AS BIGINT) WHERE lower(dletter) + ':\' = lower(@dletter)
EXEC master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @oDrive
EXEC master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @oFSO
update ##space set percentfree = fspace/((tspace/1024.0)/1024.0)*100
-- Select your data
select [Drive] = dletter ,
[Total Space GB]= convert(numeric(10,3), (tspace/1024.0)/1024.0/1024) ,
[Free Space GB]=convert(numeric(10,3),fspace/1024.0) ,
[% Free]= percentfree
from ##space
-- Drop temporary table
drop table ##space
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