Wednesday, 28 November 2012


  I would request you to follow the below steps incase SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis Services fails to start again.
1.       Change Logon On for SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis Services in SQL Server Configuration Manager from NT logon to Local System
2.       Clear the Application log in the event viewer without fail as this is very important.
3.       Restart SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis Services using SQL Server Configuration Manager
If you are new to SQL Server Configuration Manager then refer the following article Overview of SQL Server Configuration Manager to know more about SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Hope that Helps!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

A plan for a backup server for our production server running SQL Server. Should I use log shipping or clustering?

Most of the production SQLServersI have run across don't have any easy or quick way to failover to a working server should they fail.

Generally, most people hope their production SQL Server never fails.And in the back of their minds, they think they know what to do to recover should the worst happen, but for the most part, they don't have any formal plans, nor have they tested how they actually plan to failover.

In these cases, you can assume that it might take a day or longer for them to get back into production should their SQL Server fail.

If your production SQL Server is not critical to the success of your business, and you can afford to be down a day or two, then not having a formal failover plan is not much of a problem

On the other hand, if your production SQL Server is critical to the success of your organization, then you must have a tested failover plan in place.

Two popular ways to implement a failover plan is to either implement SQL Server log shipping or clustering. Which of these is your best choice?

The question you have to ask yourself is what you mean by best?

If by best, you mean a failover solutionthat fails over automatically and quickly (a minute or so), the SQL Server clusteringis the answer.

If by best you mean a failover solution is that somewhat easy to implement and less expensive, then log shipping is the answer.

Unfortunately, there is no best answer. You have to wade through the pros and cons and decide for yourself what is the best compromise.

Here are the major pros and cons of log shipping vs. clustering.

Pros of Log Shipping
Relatively speaking, less expensive.
Relatively speaking, less work to set up.
Relatively speaking, less on-going maintenance.
Requires less experienced DBAs and networkadministrators.

Cons of Log Shipping

Failover is not quick, may take from 15 - 60 minutes or more of downtime.
Failover is not automatic, it must be manually implemented.
Failed over server must be renamed to the name of the failed server.
Failing back to the original server, once it is fixed, is a manual process that can require 15 - 60 minutes or more of downtime.

Pros of Clustering

Failover is quick, usually resulting in less than minute or two of downtime.
Failover is automatic, no manual intervention is required.
Clustering doesn't require any servers to be renamed.
Failing back is quick, usually resulting in less than minute or two of downtime.

Cons of Clustering

More expensive than log shipping.
Requires more set up than log shipping.
Requires more on-going maintenance.
Requires more experienced DBAs and network administrators.

Troubleshoot Suspect Database Issue


How to troubleshoot suspect database problem? How to bring it back online? What are the do you need to perform once the database is online?


Step 1: Bring the database online using below script
USE Master

– Determine the original database status
SELECT [Name], DBID, Status
FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

– Enable system changes
sp_configure ‘allow updates’,1

– Update the database status
UPDATE master.dbo.sysdatabases
SET Status = 24
WHERE [Name] = ‘SuspectedDatabaseName’

– Disable system changes
sp_configure ‘allow updates’,0

– Determine the final database status
SELECT [Name], DBID, Status
FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

Step 2: Check for database corruption. This is very important step please execute it.

DBCC CHECKDB – Validate the overall database integrity
DBCC CHECKCATALOG – Validate the system catalog integrity
DBCC CHECKTABLE – Validate the integrity for a single table

Step 3: To resolve the corruption issue, please execute below commands

Drop and Recreate Index(es)
Move the recoverable data from an existing table to a new table

Update statistics

Step 4: Repeat Step 2 to validate all the corruption occurred

How to take database out of emergency mode?

IN SQL Server 2005/2008

SET online

How to Check When SQL Server was installed?

NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM login gets created when we install SQL Server.

By querying sys.syslogins, we would get an idea of the SQL Server Installation date time.

SELECT createdate AS sql_server_install_date
FROM sys.syslogins
WHERE sid = 0×010100000000000512000000

WHERE sid = 0×010100000000000512000000

How to change SQL Server Instance Name?

First collect the output of the current instance configuration

select @@servername

Execute the below query to change the instance name:

sp_dropserver ‘old_name’
sp_addserver ‘new_name’,‘local’

Verify sql server instance configuration by running below queries:

select @@servername

Configuring Log Shipping between SQL Server 2005 & 2008

In the step below you need to restore the database either in Norecovery \ standby mode only.

If you restore the database in recovery then consecutive log backup cannot be restored.
Restore with Recovery

Try the below steps.

Take a full backup of the database in the primary server (SQL 2k5)
Copy the backup to the secondary server (SQL 2k8)
Restore the database with Norecovery (SQL 2k8)
Take a tail backup of the database in the primary server(SQL 2k5), this could be small in size
Copy and restore the tlog backup in the secondary server with either NORECOVERY \ STANDBYMODE(SQL 2k8)
Configure log shipping between primary (SQL 2k5) to secondary server (SQL 2k8) and make sure its working fine.
Once log shipping is in place, move all the logins from primary (SQL 2k5) server to secondary server (SQL2k8), this step ensures that the ID used in application exists in the secondary server with same SID & password. You can either use "Transfer login SSIS task" or "this KB article"
Now logins are all created in the secondary server with the same SID, now we can start failover.
Shutdown the application \ services etc
Disable all log shipping jobs both in primary and secondary servers
Take a tlog backup and make the database in readonly (so that no further transactions is happened)mode in the primary server (SQL 2k5)
Copy and restore the tlog backup in the secondary server (SQL 2k8) with RECOVERY (so that appliation can make changes to the db)
Change the connection string \ ODBC entry etc to point the application to the secondary server (SQL 2k8) and make sure its working fine.
Once the application started working and updates will be sent to the secondary server (SQL2k8), you can start inplace upgrade of your primary server to SQL server 2008.
Check these steps and let me know if it works!

How many databases can be mirrored on a single instance of Microsoft SQL Server?

It is frequently asked by the DBAs or SystemAdmins or Customer that how many databases can be mirrored on a single instance of Microsoft SQL Server?

Answer of the above question is you can configure 10 databases for 32-bit operating system.

On a 32-bit system, database mirroring can support a maximum of about 10 databases per server instance because of the numbers of worker threads that are consumed by each database mirroring session.

For 64-Bit Operating system you can mirror more than 10 databases depending on the number of processors and worker threads.

Many companies has deployed more that 10 Databases as mirrored.

Setup a low disk space alert for SQL Server drives

This is the pretty easy and clean script that you may use to check periodically your database server drive space.

You can create a job to run on hourly basis to execute this code, along with a database mail code to send you alert if any of drive has less than 15% or 20% threshold value.

-- Create a global temp table
CREATE TABLE ##space( dletter varchar(3), tspace BIGINT, fspace int, percentfree numeric(5,2))

-- Insert drive details
INSERT INTO ##space (dletter, fspace) EXEC master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives

-- Declare variables
DECLARE @oFSO INT, @oDrive INT, @drsize VARCHAR(255), @ret INT

-- invoke OACreate
EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OACreate 'scripting.FileSystemObject', @oFSO OUT
DECLARE @dletter VARCHAR(3), @fspace INT, @tspace BIGINT
while (select count(*) from ##space where tspace is null)>0

select top 1 @dletter = dletter + ':\',@fspace = fspace from ##space where tspace is null
EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @oFSO, 'GetDrive', @oDrive OUT, @dletter
EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @oDrive, 'TotalSize', @drsize OUT
UPDATE ##space SET tspace = CAST(@drsize AS BIGINT) WHERE lower(dletter) + ':\' = lower(@dletter)

EXEC master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @oDrive

EXEC master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @oFSO

update ##space set percentfree = fspace/((tspace/1024.0)/1024.0)*100

-- Select your data

select [Drive] = dletter ,
[Total Space GB]= convert(numeric(10,3), (tspace/1024.0)/1024.0/1024) ,
[Free Space GB]=convert(numeric(10,3),fspace/1024.0) ,
[% Free]= percentfree
from ##space

-- Drop temporary table

drop table ##space

Find the database restore history

When ever we restored database from the backup file the sql server stored information on msdb database table restorehistory.

SELECT restore_date ,destination_database_name
FROM msdb..RestoreHistory 
ORDER BY restore_date DESC

How to find SQL Server information

Run the extended procedure to get sql server internal information

we can use parameter to get specific information
xp_msver 'ProductName', 'ProductVersion', 'Language', 'Platform', 'WindowsVersion', 'PhysicalMemory', 'ProcessorCount'

Where is the Surface Area Configuration tool in SQL Server 2008


Suppose we have just installed a new instance of SQL Server 2008 and can't find the Surface Area Configuration tool that we used to use in SQL Server 2005.

How can we manage the Database Engine features in SQL Server 2008?


Microsoft has removed the Surface Area Configuration tool that was shipped in SQL Server 2005.

The Services and Connections that were once managed in Surface Area Configuration tool should now be managed using the SQL Server Configuration Manager.

So how do we manage the Database Engine features?

We can now manage the Surface Area Configuration for the Database Engine using Policy Based Management.

A new Surface Area Configuration Facet in SQL Server Management Studio exposes the properties necessary to make required changes.

First, right-click on the instance name that you would like to configure in SQL Server Management Studio and select "Facets" from the context menu as shown below.

This will display the View Facets dialog box that will provide us with a drop down of all the available facets that can be configured for the instance.

Select "Surface Area Configuration" from the Facet drop down to display the properties exposed by that facet.

Make the appropriate changes and select OK to apply them to the server.

One interesting feature is the ability to make the appropriate changes for our organization and export them to create a policy using the "Export Current State as Policy..." button.

This allows us to configure this once and use this policy throughout your enterprise.

TSQL Query to find the DB Maintenance status

Are you curious to find the Database Backup / Restore status?
Do you have to find out the status the DBCC CHECKDB ?
Do you have to report when the ROLLBACK would finish ?
Do you want judge how long the Database Shrink will take?

Here is the answer!

The query listed below can be used to find the Percentage of work completed for the following commands:
We have to replace the where condition filter based on the requirement.

SELECT command,
            CAST(((DATEDIFF(s,start_time,GetDate()))/3600) as varchar) + ' hour(s), '
                  + CAST((DATEDIFF(s,start_time,GetDate())%3600)/60 as varchar) + 'min, '
                  + CAST((DATEDIFF(s,start_time,GetDate())%60) as varchar) + ' sec' as running_time,
            CAST((estimated_completion_time/3600000) as varchar) + ' hour(s), '
                  + CAST((estimated_completion_time %3600000)/60000 as varchar) + 'min, '
                  + CAST((estimated_completion_time %60000)/1000 as varchar) + ' sec' as est_time_to_go,
            dateadd(second,estimated_completion_time/1000, getdate()) as est_completion_time
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests Req
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(Req.sql_handle) sqltext
WHERE req.command in ('DBCC CHECKDB')

On SQL Server Management Studio, How to list only the database, which user has access ?

The default behavior of SSMS when we login, it will show all the databases available on the SQL Server Instance. Irrespective of access on the databases user has.

The reason behind is, to load the SSMS faster. Otherwise, while loading the SSMS SQL Server has to verify for each databases if the user has access or not. Also if any of the databases or offline or closed, it has to figure out if that database has to be listed or not. All this takes time.

Hence by default the SSMS will show all the databases on SSMS.

If we really required to show only the database user has access, please use the command below to restrict the show all databases on SSMS,

TO login_name

When VIEW ANY DATABASE is revoked, a user can only see master, tempdb, any database he owns, and the user’s current database context.

Setting up an OLE DB connection to a SQL Server database


SQL SERVER ASP/OLE DB connections not only offer greater performance than ODBC (DSN) , but also allow some additional functions and have the benefit that you do not need to wait for your web hosting provider to set up a DSN on your server.

First create a new text file, by default windows will name it New Text Document.txt, rename the file NewConnection.udl, or whatever you wish, the important thing is to change the file extension to .udl (Universal Data Link). Windows will give you a warning message about renaming file extensions, click Yes to proceed.

Double click the newly created .udl file, this will open the Data Link Properties box shown below:

Setting up an OLE DB connection to a SQL Server database

Select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server from the list shown and click the Next>> button.

To connect to a SQL Server database on your local PC, select or type in the server name in the text box number 1.
Next click the relevant radio button and select whether you wish to use Windows NT integrated security or a specific user name and password. Finally select the database on the SQL Server to which you wish to connect.

Setting up an OLE DB connection to a SQL Server database

Click the Test Connection button to confirm that everything is working correctly and click OK. Now right click the .udl file and select Open with Notepad.

If you selected Windows NT Integrated security you should see something like this:

; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=YourDB;_

If you selected Use a specific user name and password, you will see something like this:

; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=YourPassword;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=YourUserID;_
       Initial Catalog=YourDB;Data Source=YOUR_LOCAL_SERVER_NAME

You can now copy and paste the connection string wherever it's required, for example:

Set commInsert = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
commInsert.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;_
    PersistSecurity Info=False;Initial Catalog=_
strInsertCommand = "INSERT INTO tableName(TextField, NumericField)_
    VALUES('ABCDE', 12345);"
commInsert.Execute(strInsertCommand) ' Execute the insert command
Set commInsert = Nothing

Connecting to the remote database

Connecting to a remote SQL Server database is almost identical to connecting to a local database.

Create a .udl (Universal Data Link) file as in the first section, select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server from the list and click Next, as before.

The details required to make the connection should be given to you by the host provider or your server administrator. Type in the server name in the text box, number 1, this may be an IP address as shown or a domain address like http// Next enter the user name and password supplied by the host provider or administrator. Finally select your database on the SQL Server to which you wish to connect.

Setting up an OLE DB connection to a SQL Server database

Open the .udl file with notepad, the connection string will appear similar to this:

; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=YourPassword;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=YourUserID;_
                          Initial Catalog=YourDB;Data Source=YOUR_REMOTE_SERVER_NAME



As per BOL definition “ Writes all dirty pages for the current database to disk.
Dirty pages are data pages that have been entered into the buffer cache and modified, but not yet written to disk.
Checkpoints save time during a later recovery by creating a point at which all dirty pages are guaranteed to have been written to disk”
This minimizes the active portion of the log that must be processed during a full recovery of a database.

What are the Events that causes CHECKPOINT?

1. Before Database Backup
Before a database backup, the Database Engine automatically performs a checkpoint so that all changes to the database pages are contained in the backup.

2. Active Log exceeds recovery interval
The active portion of the log exceeds the size that the server could recover in the amount of time specified in the recovery interval server configuration option.

3. The log becomes 70 percent full, and the database is in log-truncate mode.
A database is in log truncate mode when both these conditions are TRUE: the database is using the Simple recovery model, and, after execution of the last BACKUP DATABASE statement that referenced the database, one of the following events occurs:
  • BULK_LOG Recovery: A minimally logged operation is performed in the database, such as a minimally logged bulk copy operation or a minimally logged WRITETEXT statement is executed.
  • An ALTER DATABASE statement is executed that adds or deletes a file in the database
4. Stopping a SQL Server issues a checkpoint in each database on the server

5. CHECKPOINT: A CHECKPOINT statement is explicitly executed. A checkpoint occurs in the current database for the connection.

6. Database Shutdown An activity requiring a database shutdown is performed. For example, AUTO_CLOSE is ON and the last user connection to the database is closed, or a database option change is made that requires a restart of the database.

How to find who dropped the database? Is that logged on SQL Server?

Are you one looking to find answer for questions like below.,
· How to find who dropped a database?
· How to find who created the database?
· How to find who altered the database?
· How to find who altered the database configurations?
· How to find who dropped the schema?
· How to find who altered the schema?
· How to find who altered the server configuration?
· How to find who modified the login?
· How to find who modified the table?
If it is then,  are you wondering is that possible on SQL Server?
Yes, SQL Server can beginning from version SQL Server 2005 onwards.

That is where SQL Server Default trace come into picture.

What is SQL Server Default Trace?
Default trace provides troubleshooting assistance to database administrators by ensuring that they have the log data necessary to diagnose problems the first time they occur.

To get the default trace options
SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_getinfo(default)
To know what is audited on default trace
SELECT Trc.EventID, Trc.ColumnID, as Event_Description, as Column_Description
  FROM ::fn_trace_geteventinfo(1) Trc
    JOIN sys.trace_events Evt ON Trc.eventID = Evt.trace_event_id
    JOIN sys.trace_columns Col ON Trc.columnid = Col.trace_column_id


Below is the screenshot  “Schema Changes History” of Standard Reports at Server Level.

See that “it shows the event of Drop and Alter of the database


The same can be queried from SQL Server Default Trace like;

select * from fn_trace_gettable('C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQL2008\MSSQL\Log\log.trc',DEFAULT)
where EventClass in (46,47,164) and EventSubclass = 0 and DatabaseID <> 2

Default trace can be queried to find answers on
  1. To finmd the Create / Alter / Drop i.e., DDL changes at Database,Schema and Object level
  2. To find the configuration changes at SQL Server Instance, Database, Schema and Object Level
  3. To find Login creation , modifications and failures
  4. To find performance issues like missing of statistics, join predicate, hash or sort warnings
  5. Database file growth or shrinkage
  6. DBCC operations
Points to ponder
  1. Default trace is a Server Side trace and it is enable by default.
  2. Default trace properties can not be modified, other than enabling and disabling of this trace.
  3. Default trace by default enabled and stored on the “Log” folder

  4. Default trace file will be created newly on start of the SQL Server service.
  5. A single trace file can store  up to 20 MB, when it is full new file will be created.
  6. SQL Server would maintain 5 default trace file, where the file with highest number is the latest.
  7. Default trace is light weight and it is not replacement for DDL Trigger. Default trace log only basic information, when detailed information needed DDL trigger is the option.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

SQL Server 2005

  Patch Level PSS Only Link Build Version

2005 SP4 + Q2494123 GO 5,292 9.00.5292

2005 + SP4 Cumulative Update 3 GO 5,266 9.00.5266

2005 + SP4 Cumulative Update 1 GO 5,254 9.00.5254

2005 SP4 + KB2494120 GO 5,057 9.00.5057

2005 + SP4 RTM GO 5,000 9.00.5000

2005 + SP4 CTP GO 4,912 9.00.4912

2005 SP3 + Q2494112 GO 4,340 9.00.4340

2005 SP3+Q2438344 (Cumulative HF15) GO 4,325 9.00.4325

2005 SP3+Q2438344 (Cumulative HF13) GO 4,315 9.00.4315

2005 SP3+Q2345449 (Cumulative HF12) GO 4,311 9.00.4311

2005 SP3+Q2258854 (Cumulative HF11) GO 4,309 9.00.4309

2005 SP3+Q983329 (Cumulative HF10) GO 4,305 9.00.4305

2005 SP3+Q980176 (Cumulative HF9) GO 4,294 9.00.4294

2005 SP3+Q978915 (Cumulative HF8) GO 4,285 9.00.4285

2005 SP3+Q978791 GO 4,278 9.00.4278

2005 SP3+Q976951 (Cumulative HF7) GO 4,273 9.00.4273

2005 SP3+Q974648 (Cumulative HF6) GO 4,266 9.00.4266

2005 SP3+Q972511 (Cumulative HF5) GO 4,230 9.00.4230

2005 SP3+Q970279 (Cumulative HF4) GO 4,226 9.00.4226

2005 + Q971409 GO 4,224 9.00.4224

2005 SP3+Q967909 (Cumulative HF3) GO 4,220 9.00.4220

2005 SP3+Q967101 GO 4,216 9.00.4216

2005 SP3+Q961930 (Cumulative HF2) GO 4,211 9.00.4211

2005 SP3+Q959195 (Cumulative HF1) GO 4,207 9.00.4207

2005+SP3 (Q970892) GO 4,053 9.00.4053

2005+SP3 (Q955706) GO 4,035 9.00.4035

2005 SP2 + Cumulative Update 17 GO 3,356 9.00.3356

2005 SP2+Q216793 (Cumulative HF16) GO 3,355 9.00.3355

2005 SP2+Q972510 (Cumulative HF15) GO 3,330 9.00.3330

2005 SP2+Q970278 (Cumulative HF14) GO 3,328 9.00.3328

2005 SP2+Q948567 / 961648 GO 3,327 9.00.3327

2005 SP2+Q967908 (Cumulative HF 13) GO 3,325 9.00.3325

2005 SP2+Q969142 GO 3,320 9.00.3320

2005 SP2+Q967199 GO 3,318 9.00.3318

2005 SP2+Q962970 (Cumulative HF12, available viarequest.) GO 3,315 9.00.3315

2005 SP2+Q960090 GO 3,310 9.00.3310

2005 SP2+Q962209 GO 3,303 9.00.3303

2005 SP2+Q961479 / 961648 GO 3,302 9.00.3302

2005 SP2+Q958735 (Cumulative HF11, avail. viarequest.) GO 3,301 9.00.3301

2005 SP2+Q959132 GO 3,295 9.00.3295

2005 SP2+Q956854 (Cumulative HF10, avail. viarequest.) GO 3,294 9.00.3294

2005 SP2+Q956889 GO 3,291 9.00.3291

2005 SP2+Q937137 GO 3,289 9.00.3289

2005 SP2+Q953752 / 953607 (Cumulative HF9, avail. via request or by clicking here.) GO 3,282 9.00.3282

2005 SP2+Q955754 GO 3,261 9.00.3261

2005 SP2+Q954950 GO 3,260 9.00.3260

2005 SP2+Q954669 / 954831 GO 3,259 9.00.3259

2005 SP2+Q951217 (Cumulative HF8, avail. viarequest.) GO 3,257 9.00.3257

2005 SP2+Q954054 GO 3,253 9.00.3253

2005 SP2+Q952330 GO 3,244 9.00.3244

2005 SP2+Q951190 GO 3,242 9.00.3242

2005 SP2+Q951204 GO 3,240 9.00.3240

2005 SP2+Q949095 (Cumulative HF7, avail. via PSS only - must supply KBID of issue to resolve in your request) GO 3,239 9.00.3239

2005 SP2+Q950189 GO 3,235 9.00.3235

2005 (QFE) SP2+Q941203 / 948108 GO 3,233 9.00.3233

2005 SP2+Q949959 GO 3,232 9.00.3232

2005 SP2+Q949687/949595 GO 3,231 9.00.3231

2005 SP2+Q949199 GO 3,230 9.00.3230

2005 SP2+Q946608 (Cumulative HF6, avail. via PSS only - must supply KBID of issue to resolve in your request) GO 3,228 9.00.3228

2005 SP2+Q947463 GO 3,224 9.00.3224

2005 SP2+Q945640 / 945641 / 947196 / 947197 GO 3,222 9.00.3222

2005 SP2+Q942908 / 945442 / 945443 / 945916 /944358 GO 3,221 9.00.3221

2005 SP2+Q941450 (Cumulative HF5, avail. via PSS only - must supply KBID of issue to resolve in your request) GO 3,215 9.00.3215

2005 SP2 (KB N/A, SQLHF Bug #50002118) N/A 3,209 9.00.3209

2005 SP2+Q944902 GO 3,208 9.00.3208

2005 SP2+Q944677 GO 3,206 9.00.3206

2005 SP2 (KB N/A, SQLHF Bug #50001708/50001999) N/A 3,205 9.00.3205

2005 SP2 (KB N/A, SQLHF Bug #50001951/50001993/50001997/50001998/50002000) N/A 3,203 9.00.3203

2005 SP2+Q941450 (Cumulative HF4, avail. via PSS only - must supply KBID of issue to resolve in your request) GO 3,200 9.00.3200

2005 SP2 (KB N/A, SQLHF Bug #50001812) N/A 3,195 9.00.3195

2005 SP2+Q940933 GO 3,194 9.00.3194

2005 SP2+Q939562 (Cumulative HF3, avail. via PSS only - must supply KBID of issue to resolve in your request) GO 3,186 9.00.3186

2005 SP2+Q940128 GO 3,182 9.00.3182

2005 SP2+Q939942 GO 3,180 9.00.3180

2005 SP2+Q938243 GO 3,179 9.00.3179

2005 SP2 (KB N/A, SQLHF Bug #50001193/5001352) N/A 3,178 9.00.3178

2005 SP2+Q939563 / 939285 GO 3,177 9.00.3177

2005 SP2+Q936305 /938825 (Cumulative HF2, avail. via PSS only - must supply KBID of issue to resolve in your request) GO 3,175 9.00.3175

2005 SP2+Q937745 GO 3,171 9.00.3171

2005 SP2+Q937041/937033 GO 3,169 9.00.3169

2005 SP2+Q936185 / 934734 GO 3,166 9.00.3166

2005 SP2+Q932610/935360/935922 GO 3,162 9.00.3162

2005 SP2+Q935356/933724(Cumulative HF1, avail. via PSS only - must supply KBID of issue to resolve in your request) GO 3,161 9.00.3161

2005 SP2+Q934459 GO 3,159 9.00.3159

2005 SP2+Q934226 GO 3,156 9.00.3156

2005 SP2+Q933549 /933766/933808/933724/932115/933499 GO 3,155 9.00.3155

2005 SP2+Q934106 / 934109 / 934188 GO 3,154 9.00.3154

2005 SP2+Q933564 GO 3,153 9.00.3153

2005 SP2+Q933097 (Cumulative HF1) GO 3,152 9.00.3152

2005 SP2+Q970895 GO 3,080 9.00.3080

2005 SP2+Q960089 GO 3,077 9.00.3077

2005 SP2+Q954606 (GDR) GO 3,073 9.00.3073

2005 (GDR) SP2+Q941203 / 948109 GO 3,068 9.00.3068

2005 SP2+Q934458 GO 3,054 9.00.3054

2005 SP2+Q933508 GO 3,050 9.00.3050

2005 SP2+Q933508 (use this if SP2 was applied prior to 3/8) GO 3,043 9.00.3043

2005 'Fixed' SP2 (use this if SP2 was NOT applied yet - orig. RTM removed) GO 3,042 9.00.3042

2005 SP2 CTP (December) - Fix List GO 3,033 9.00.3033

2005 SP2 CTP (November) GO 3,027 9.00.3027

2005 SP1+Q929376 GO 3,026 9.00.3026

2005 SP1+Q948344 GO 2,249 9.00.2249

2005 SP1+Q933573 GO 2,245 9.00.2245

2005 SP1+Q944968 GO 2,243 9.00.2243

2005 SP1+Q943389/943388 GO 2,242 9.00.2242

2005 SP1+Q940961 GO 2,239 9.00.2239

2005 SP1+Q940719 GO 2,237 9.00.2237

2005 SP1+Q940287 / 940286 GO 2,236 9.00.2236

2005 SP1+Q937343 GO 2,234 9.00.2234

2005 SP1+Q933499/937545 GO 2,233 9.00.2233

2005 SP1+Q937277 GO 2,232 9.00.2232

2005 SP1+Q934812 GO 2,231 9.00.2231

2005 SP1+Q936179 GO 2,230 9.00.2230

2005 SP1+Q935446 GO 2,229 9.00.2229

2005 SP1+Q934066/933265 GO 2,227 9.00.2227

2005 SP1+Q933762/934065934065 GO 2,226 9.00.2226

2005 SP1+Q932990 / 933519 GO 2,224 9.00.2224

2005 SP1+Q932393 GO 2,223 9.00.2223

2005 SP1+Q931593 GO 2,221 9.00.2221

2005 SP1+Q931329 / 932115 GO 2,219 9.00.2219

2005 SP1+Q931843 / 931843 GO 2,218 9.00.2218

2005 SP1+Q931821 GO 2,216 9.00.2216

2005 SP1+Q931666 GO 2,215 9.00.2215

2005 SP1+Q929240 / 930505 / 930775 GO 2,214 9.00.2214

2005 SP1+Q930283 / 930284 GO 2,211 9.00.2211

2005 SP1+Q929278 GO 2,209 9.00.2209

2005 SP1+Q929179 / 929404 GO 2,208 9.00.2208

2005 SP1+Q928394 / 928372 / 928789 GO 2,207 9.00.2207

2005 SP1+Q928539 / 928083 / 928537 GO 2,206 9.00.2206

2005 SP1+Q927643 GO 2,202 9.00.2202

2005 SP1+Q927289 GO 2,201 9.00.2201

2005 SP1+Q926773 / 926611 / 924808 / 925277 /926612 / 924807 / 924686 GO 2,198 9.00.2198

2005 SP1+Q926285/926335/926024 GO 2,196 9.00.2196

2005 SP1+Q926240 GO 2,195 9.00.2195

2005 SP1+Q925744 GO 2,194 9.00.2194

2005 SP1+Q924954/925335 GO 2,192 9.00.2192

2005 SP1+Q925135 GO 2,191 9.00.2191

2005 SP1+Q925227 GO 2,190 9.00.2190

2005 SP1+Q925153 GO 2,189 9.00.2189

2005 SP1+Q923849 GO 2,187 9.00.2187

2005 SP1+Q929404 / 924291 GO 2,183 9.00.2183

2005 SP1+Q923624/923605 GO 2,181 9.00.2181

2005 SP1+Q923296 / 922594 GO 2,176 9.00.2176

2005 SP1+Q922578 /922438 / 921536 / 922579 /920794 GO 2,175 9.00.2175

2005 SP1+Q922063 GO 2,174 9.00.2174

2005 SP1+Q920974/921295 GO 2,167 9.00.2167

2005 SP1+Q919636 / 918832/919775 GO 2,164 9.00.2164

2005 SP1+Q919611 GO 2,156 9.00.2156

2005 SP1+builds 1531-40 (See Q919224 before applying!) GO 2,153 9.00.2153

2005 SP1+.NET Vulnerability fix N/A 2,050 9.00.2050

2005 SP1 RTM GO 2,047 9.00.2047

2005 SP1 CTP GO 2,040 9.00.2040

SP1 Beta N/A 2,029 9.00.2029

2005 RTM+Q932556 GO 1,561 9.00.1561

2005 RTM+Q926493 GO 1,558 9.00.1558

2005 RTM+Q926292 GO 1,554 9.00.1554

2005 RTM+Q922804 GO 1,551 9.00.1551

2005 RTM+Q917887/921106 GO 1,550 9.00.1550

2005 RTM+Q918276 GO 1,547 9.00.1547

2005 RTM+Q917905/919193 GO 1,545 9.00.1545

2005 RTM+Q917888/917971 GO 1,541 9.00.1541

2005 RTM+Q917738 GO 1,539 9.00.1539

2005 RTM+Q917824 GO 1,538 9.00.1538

2005 RTM+Q917016 GO 1,536 9.00.1536

2005 RTM+Q916706 GO 1,534 9.00.1534

2005 RTM+Q916086 GO 1,533 9.00.1533

2005 RTM+Q916046 GO 1,532 9.00.1532

2005 RTM+Q915918 GO 1,531 9.00.1531

2005 RTM+Q915112 / 915306 / 915307915308 GO 1,528 9.00.1528

2005 RTM+Q913494 GO 1,519 9.00.1519

2005 RTM+Q912472/913371/913941 GO 1,518 9.00.1518

2005 RTM+Q912471 GO 1,514 9.00.1514

2005 RTM+Q911662 GO 1,503 9.00.1503

2005 RTM+Q915793 GO 1,502 9.00.1502

2005 RTM+Q910416 GO 1,500 9.00.1500

2005 RTM+Q932557 GO 1,406 9.00.1406

2005 RTM     1,399 9.00.1399

September CTP Release N/A 1,314 9.00.1314

June CTP Release N/A 1,187 9.00.1187

April CTP Release N/A 1,116 9.00.1116

March CTP Release (may list as Feb.) N/A 1,090 9.00.1090

December CTP Release N/A 981 9.00.981

October CTP Release N/A 951 9.00.951

Internal build (?) N/A 917 9.00.917

Beta 2 N/A 852 9.00.852

Internal build (?) N/A 849 9.00.849

Internal build (?) N/A 844 9.00.844

Express Ed. Tech Preview N/A 836 9.00.836

Internal build (IDW4) N/A 823 9.00.823

Internal build (IDW3) N/A 790 9.00.790

Internal build (IDW2) N/A 767 9.00.767

Internal build (IDW) N/A 747 9.00.747

MS Internal (?) N/A 645 9.00.645

Beta 1