Ad Hoc Distributed Queries
By default, SQL Server doesn't allow ad-hoc distributed queries
using OPENROWSET or OPENDATASOURCE. When this option is set to 1, SQL
Server allows ad-hoc access. When this option is not set or is set to 0,
SQL Server does not allow ad-hoc access.
Affinity Mask
The affinity mask configuration
allows you to specify which CPUs on a multiprocessor computer are to be
used to run threads from an instance of SQL Server. You can use the affinity mask configuration option to exclude SQL Server threads from processors that reserved for operating system (OS) processes.
Agent XPs
The Agent XPs option to enable
the SQL Server Agent extended stored procedures on this server. When
this option is not enabled, the SQL Server Agent node is not available
in SSMS Object Explorer.
Allow Updates
The allow updates optiom is to direct updates can be made to system tables. By default, allow updates
is disabled, so users cannot update system tables through ad-hoc
updates. Users can update system tables by using system stored
procedures only.
Caution If you create stored procedures while the allow updates option is enabled, those stored procedures always have the ability to update system tables even after you disable allow updates.
Awe Enabled
To enable AWE, set awe enabled to
1. MS SQL Server will reserve almost all available memory, leaving 128
MB to other Application and OS, unless a value has been specified for max server.
It is strongly recommended that you set a value for the max server memory option each time you enable AWE.
Otherwise other applications or instances of MS SQL Server 2000 will have less than 128 MB of physical memory in which to run.
It is strongly recommended that you set a value for the max server memory option each time you enable AWE.
Otherwise other applications or instances of MS SQL Server 2000 will have less than 128 MB of physical memory in which to run.
Fill Factor
Use the fill factor option to specify how full MS SQL Server should make each page when it creates a new index using existing data. The fill factor
percentage affects performance because SQL Server must take time to
split pages when they fill up. The recommended is use fill factor is 80%
so 20% is reserved for free space.
The setting takes effect after stopping and restarting the server.
Lightweight Pooling
Use the lightweight pooling
option is to reducing the system overhead associated with the excessive
context switching. When excessive context switching is present,
lightweight pooling can provide better throughput by performing the
context switching inline, thus helping to reduce user & kernel
Setting lightweight pooling to 1 causes Microsoft SQL Server to switch to fiber mode scheduling. The default value for this option is 0.
The setting takes effect after stopping and restarting the server.
Max Degree Of Parallelism
Use the max degree of parallelism
option to limt the number of processors to use in parallel plan
execution. Set the value to a number greater than 1 to restrict the max
number of processors used by a single query execution. If a value is
greater than the number of availble CPUs is specified, the actual number
of available CPUs is used.
Max Worker Threads
Use the max worker threads option to configure the number of worker threds available to SQL Server processes. SQL Server uses the native thread
services of the MS Windws 2000 and Windows Server 2003 operating
systems so that one or more threads support each network that SQL Server
supports simultaneously, another thread handles database checkpoints, and a pool of threads handles all users.
Recommend 1024 as the maximum for 32-bit SQL Server and 2048 for 64-bit SQL Server.
Min Memory Per Query
Use the min memory per query option to specify the minimum amount of memory(KB) that will be allocated for the execution of a query. For example, if min memory per query is set to 2048 kilobytes, the query is guaranteed to get at least that much total memory.
You can set min memory per query to any value from 512 through 2147483647 KB (2 gigabytes). The default is 1024 KB.
You can set min memory per query to any value from 512 through 2147483647 KB (2 gigabytes). The default is 1024 KB.
Remote Access
Use the remote access option to control executing stored procedures from remote servers running instances of MS SQL Server. Set remote access
to 1 (default) to allow permission to execute stored procedures from
remote servers. Set the option to 0 to prevent execution of stored
procedures from a remote server.
The setting takes effect after stopping and restarting the server.
Remote Login Timeout
Use the remote login timeout
option to specify the number of seconds to wait before from failing
remote login attempt. For example, if you are attempting to log in to a
remote server and that server is down, remote login timeout ensures that you do not have to wait indefinitely before your computer ceases its attempts to log in.
The setting takes effect immediately (without a server stop and restart).
Remote Query Timeout
Remote Query Timeout
Use the remote query timeout
option to specify the number of seconds that must wait when processing a
remote operation before SQL Server assumes the command failed or took
too much time to perform (times out error). The default is 600, which
allows a ten minute wait.
The setting takes effect immediately (without a server stop and restart).
User Connections
The user connections option to
specify the maximum number of simultaneous user connections allowed on
SQL Server. The actual number of user connections allowed is depends on
the limits to your applications and hardware.
SQL Server allows a maximum of 32,767 user connections.
SQL Server allows a maximum of 32,767 user connections.
the xp_cmdshell is Introduced in SQL Server 2005. This option that enables systm administrators to control whether the xp_cmdshell extended SP can be executed on a system. By default, the xp_cmdshell option is disabled on new installations.
SQL Mail XPs
Use the SQL Mail XPs option to enable SQL Mail on this server. The possible values are:
0 indicating SQL Mail is not available (default)
1 indicating SQL Mail is available
Remote Admin Connections Option
MS SQL Server 2005 provides a dedicated
administrator connection (DAC). The DAC lets an administrator access a
running server in order to execute diagnostic functions or T-SQL
statements such as finding locks, blocks, cache, etc for troubleshoot
problems on the server, even when the server is locked or running in an
abnormal state and not responding to a Database Engine connection.
0 - indicates only local connections are allowed using the DAC
1 - indicates remote connections are allowed using the DAC
Default Trace Enabled
The default trace enabled option
to enable or disable the default trace log files. The default trace is
for troubleshooting minor issues. It doesn't take much resources, you
can always disable through SP_Configure.
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