How to grant read permission to all the databases?
Case Scenario:
can grant the read permision to all the databases at one go?
Step 1: Create the Login ID Script first.
Step 2: Change the User ID and Login ID in the following script and execute it which will grant read permission to all the databases.
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'IF ''?'' NOT IN (''master'', ''model'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'')
Print ''?''
Declare @cmd varchar(255)
set @cmd = ''USE [?] CREATE USER [User ID] FOR LOGIN [Domain\Windows Login ID] ''
set @cmd = @cmd + ''EXEC sp_addrolemember N''''db_datareader'''', N''''User ID'''' ''
exec (@cmd)
print @cmd
Note: The above script can be used to grant any sort of permission to all the databases.
can grant the read permision to all the databases at one go?
Step 1: Create the Login ID Script first.
Step 2: Change the User ID and Login ID in the following script and execute it which will grant read permission to all the databases.
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'IF ''?'' NOT IN (''master'', ''model'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'')
Print ''?''
Declare @cmd varchar(255)
set @cmd = ''USE [?] CREATE USER [User ID] FOR LOGIN [Domain\Windows Login ID] ''
set @cmd = @cmd + ''EXEC sp_addrolemember N''''db_datareader'''', N''''User ID'''' ''
exec (@cmd)
print @cmd
Note: The above script can be used to grant any sort of permission to all the databases.
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