Sql Server Trigger
SQL Server Trigger
- A type of stored procedure that run automatically when an event occurs within database server.
3 Type of Trigger:
1) DML: Data Manipulation Language
- Run on manipulation of data event such as Insert, Update or Delete
2) DDL: Data Definition Language
- Run on manipulation of data structure or schema event such as CREATE, ALTER and DROP
3) Logon:
- Run on user Logon event when user session is being established.
can get more detail from Microsoft website, but our site article is
meant cover practicle most used code that include tips and tricks to
solve some usual problem.
Below is a sample of a DML trigger that does the following:
1) One trigger that handle event for all 3 Insert, Update, Delete
2) Answer common questions such as:
1)How to distinguish which event is fired from Insert, Update or Delete?
- You determine that through the two tables provided by trigger result:
1) Inserted: stores all new record being inserted
2) Deleted: stores all record being deleted
In an update action, SQL server would do 2 actions:
1) delete the original row
2) inserted a new updated row
-> Therefore, in an update statement, you will see old
record in Deleted table, and updated row in Inserted table
2) How to know which column is updated?
-> There are a SQL Server called COLUMNS_UPDATED() which return
binary value that represents all columns within a table and tell you
which one is updated based on its bit position being (0/1) -> 0: not
updated, 1: updated
Example: I have 5 columns, and my 3rd column is updated and others are not:
COLUMNS_UPDATED() = 00100 = 4
To know if 3 column is updated, you mask the binary with 4 and if the result greater than 0, then it's updated.
-> this will be true if 3 columns is updated
-> The example above is too much work and it's still doesn't give
you the column name or anything related to the column so you know right
-> Therefore, we'll make use of a function called sys.fn_IsBitSetInBitmask(), buildin function to get the detail data you want