Friday, 9 September 2011

1. What are Recovery Model?
2.Can i create 2 MDF's?
3.CPU Bottleneck?
4.How to handle Dead Lock and Blocking?
5.What Update Statistics will do?
6.Query Governer?
7.Features of Sql Server 2005  comparing 2000?
8.Security Feature? XML Data Type?
9.What is DAC?How you use it?
10.How work bulk log recovery Model?when bulk operation loaded?
11.Buffer hit ratio?
12.How you getting issues?
13.Which Moniter tool used for getting tickets?
14.What type of alerts you are getting?
15.What is rebuild and reorg?
16.How you checking health of the Data bases?
17.What type of DMV's are you using in real time?
18.What are used in you maintained plan?
19.What is Boot.ini?

1.Migration steps?
2.How to checking store procedure performace?
3.How many types of replication?
4.Suspect Mode Reasons?
5.Difference between SSIS & DTS?
6.How to monitor 100 servers at a time in your company?

1.Application Role?What are Server Roles?Data base Roles?
2.What is Service Account?What is purpose of in Real time?
3.Back up Strategy?
4.What Minimally logged in Bulk Logged recovery model?
5.Log shipping,Mirroring configuration steps?
6.What is clustering?what contains in Heart Beat Signal?CUI to
getcluster nodes involved in clustering?How to remove node?
7.I shrink&truncate the log file what changes occur in secondary
database in log shipping?
8.I restore back up on secondary server after half on hour i enable
log shipping, How to lhalf on hour transaction into secondary server
data base?
9.Can i take full backup & T-Log of log shipping configured data base?
10.How to get data base size?
11.In log shipping my primary db in suspect mode, how to take tail log
back up?What is Tail log back up?
12.What is collation?How to use in real time?examples/
13.what is logical and physical architecture in sql server?
14.Which tabel store back up information?
15.Did you see Size of log file more than data file size?

1.What is Default Port No?What is That?Can i change Port no?How to
change Port no?

1. What are the perfmon counters used to check memory utilization.
2. Which DMV's we can use to check perfmon counters.
3. Which DMFs can we use to check the complete command running in a session.
4. Which exe file can be used to trace the server actitivites.
5. Statistics - How to update on a particular table index.
6. Memory configuration.
If there is 16GB RAM, how can we make the server to use min 12 and max 14.
Lock pages in memory
7. How to improve the performance of Log Shipping.
8. How to move system dbs
* TempDb
* master
9. Execution plans
10.Why use DAC? How to connect?
11.Regular issues?

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

DBA Tasks

Daily Tasks

The following tasks should be completed on a daily basis:

Check to make sure the SQL Server is still online and that you still have connectivity.
Check the NT and SQL Server logs for any errors or problems.
Ensure that no SQL Server job has failed.
Resolve any problem tickets.
Close any outstanding change tickets.
Perform the necessary backups, whether transactional or complete.
Check the general health of the server (space, CPU utilization, memory) to confirm there are no issues.
Track locking issues, including deadlocks, blocking, and lock timeouts.

Weekly Tasks

The following tasks should be completed on a weekly basis:
Perform necessary database backups.
Remove any unneeded space from the transaction log and data files.
Perform any necessary index tuning, including defragmenting the indexes.
Execute UPDATE STATISTICS if auto-update statistics has been turned off.

Monthly Tasks

The following tasks should be completed on a monthly basis:
Perform necessary database backups (including a complete backup of the OS and supporting third-party application files).
Apply any patches or service packs for SQL Server.
Run System Monitor to confirm that your server is operating close to its baseline. Update your baseline documentation to reflect this month’s numbers.
Perform a complete system restore of the server’s database onto a new server from a random day. Check the health of the restored database afterward by running DBCC CHECKDB.
Run sqldiag.exe on your server and document the results into a central repository.
Test your alerts to confirm that they still work.